BEL achieves record turnover of Rs.13500 Crores

Navratna Defence PSU Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) has achieved a turnover of about Rs.13500 Crores (Provisional & Unaudited) during Financial Year 2020-21, against previous year’s turnover of Rs.12608 Crores in spite of the challenges posed by COVID19 Pandemic & intense competition in business.

BEL’s Order Book as on 1.4.2021 is around Rs.53000 Crs. In the year 2020-21, BEL secured significant orders worth Rs.15000 Crs. Some of the major orders acquired during the year are ICU Ventilators, Software Defined Radios & Communication equipment, Various types of Radars, Sonars, Torpedo Decoy Systems, Electronic Warfare Systems, Networking & Encryption products, and smart cities etc.

Some of the flagship projects executed during FY 2020-21 are ICU Ventilators, Missile Systems (Akash & LRSAM), Gun Upgrades, Various Radars, Various Sonars, Command & Control Systems, Electro-optic systems, Communication & Encryption products, EW Systems, Coastal Surveillance System, Electronic Fuzes, Home Land Security & Smart City Projects, KFON, Avionics Package for LCA etc.

BEL achieved Export sales of around US$ 50 Million during FY 2020-21. Major products exported include Coastal Surveillance System, Trans-Receive (TR) Modules, Bharati Radio, Identification of Friend or Foe–Interrogator (IFFI), Electro-Optic System Compact Multi-Purpose Advanced Stabilization System (EOS CoMPASS), Electro-Mechanical parts, Radar Finger Printing System (RFPS), Low Band Receivers (LBREC), Spares for Radars etc.

BEL’s Chairman & Managing Director M V Gowtama said, “BEL will continue its efforts in becoming Self-Reliant through enhanced focus on indigenization, Outsourcing to Domestic industry with more thrust on MSME & GeM procurement and thus minimizing import dependency. The company is poised to explore & tap new growth areas and new business avenues through continuous diversification, enhancement of capabilities & competitiveness, Modernization etc. BEL has forayed into new potential business segments viz., Healthcare Solutions, Network & Cyber Security, Space Electronics, Energy Storage Systems, Software etc., and is confident of making significant headway in these segments in the years to come.

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