Rajnath Singh

Indian Govt Allots Rs 320 Crore to Armed Forces Flag Day Fund to Clear Backlog of Welfare Schemes

Rajnath Singh
Rajnath Singh

New Delhi: The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has launched three new initiatives for the welfare of ex-servicemen and their families on the occasion of Armed Forces Veterans’ Day which is celebrated on 14th January every year.

In a series of tweets, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh announced that the Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare (DESW) has allotted Rs 320 crore to Armed Forces Flag Day Fund (AFFDF) to clear all backlog of pending applications for welfare schemes especially Education & Marriage grants for widows/dependent children of the veterans. This will benefit over 1,66,000 wards/widows of Ex-Servicemen (ESMs).

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The AFFDF, administered by Kendriya Sainik Board, is being utilised to fund a number of welfare schemes for ESMs/widows/dependants. These welfare schemes aim to provide financial assistance to ESM fraternity/widows/dependants and maintain various facilities (Cheshire Homes/Paraplegic Homes/War Memorial Hostels) meant for ESMs and their dependants.

In another major achievement, the Directorate General of Resettlement issued around 7,900 job letters to freshly retired ESMs in Government Sector/PSUs/Banks and Private sector during the year from April-December 2021, out of re-employment given to over 22,000 during the same period. The aim is to facilitate re-employment of ESM in the corporate sector and provide jobs through schemes for self-employment.

The Directorate-General Resettlement is an attached office of MoD that facilitates the resettlement of ESM by organising pre and post-retirement training, re-employment, and self-employment. Nearly 60,000 Armed Forces personnel retire or are released from active service every year, most of them being in the age bracket of 35 to 45 years and need a second career to support their families.

The DESW also launched a dedicated Raksha Pension Shikayat Nivaran Portal designed to speedily redress pension, including family pension-related grievances of ESM and their dependents (https://rakshapension.desw.gov.in). The portal will enable the processing of grievances quickly by the DESW.

Through the portal, an SMS and e-mail will be forwarded to the applicants on their registered mobile number and e-mail, intimating confirmation of registration of grievance and for tracking its status. Applicants can also provide feedback for the purpose of improving the quality of redressal of grievances.

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